LIfTS Community Hub

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 Whole School 

Trauma sensitive whole school practices are the cornerstone of Safe and Supportive Trauma Sensitive Schools and provide students with a sense of safety, connection and support that fosters a culture of students feeling valued and staff feeling empowered. 

  • Student/Staff Connection:  School wide exercise-Put each student name on a yellow post it note on a large white board.  Staff remove names of students they feel connected to-How do we connect with those who are left on the board 

  • Red Envelope:  Communication process to alert staff that a student has something significant going on  but does not share any details-Shared information is student first name and last initial, name of person with information in school-Sent to all staff who will interact with student 

  • Self-Monitor in hallway: Students and staff use the “peace” and “quiet” signs-non verbal 

  • Universal pass: Student to office or location when feeling agitated-student initiated 

  • Stoplight pass 

    • Color connotes level of agitation 

  • Social/emotional curriculum integrated into school 

  • School based crisis plan and teams 

  • Substitute prep/buddy teacher  for coverage-Consistency 

  • Interest Survey/What do students like to do-Have a skill at doing/Supports connection 

  • Chill out room/Calming and potential for skill development 

  • Lunch/quiet room  

  • How to play: Games for playground as well as how to respond when win or lose 

  • Map school hot spots-Brain storm as to why happening there and work to find solutions 

  • Staff “blue book” for positives-Staff carry a journal and note student positives as happen and share with others as appropriate 

  • Contact adult 

  • Each child has at least 1 adult they know and can access 

  • Inter-grade transition form (Hancock)-Key student info for next year’s teacher 

  • Teachers exchange info with next year’s teacher about students 

    • Whole child plus “family relationships” 

  • Community survey to school staff-Measuring components and perceived quality of school community 

  • Kitchen table/Home work club-Before or after school gathering to complete homework while teaching study skills/Kitchen table provides a snack and casual conversation between students and staff 

  • Quiet room for lunch 

  • Working together as a staff 

    • Cross functional/grade level  work groups at staff meetings-Get to know a wider range of fellow staff; 

    • Staff bulletin Board: Picture of each staff person with basic info and a relevant interesting fact (languages spoken, recent adventure, etc) 

    • Agree on common school wide practices-Greetings with students (as enter room or in hall way), transition processes, using signs to reinforce “Peace and Quiet “ in public spaces  

  • Address the needs of our frequent flyer students 

  • What is our Social Skills curriculum?   (Zones of Regulation, Social Thinking, Think Kids, Second Step, Open Circle, other) 

  • Expand staff connections with the students 

  • Safe place 

  • Chill or peace Zone